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Are you sure?
Do you really want to pass on the opportunity to literally DOUBLE your Bikini Belly results?

I know you've already declined this offer, but I'd like you to reconsider.

Just take a look at how this program has worked for Denise.

When I first started out, I was working out 5 days a week and just not losing the belly fat. As soon as I started your program, the weight seriously fell off. I lost 6 pounds in one week. I ended up losing 17 lbs in total and I could actually see my abs. Thanks to this diet!

You are the best and I adore all you do for women my age!!
Denise M

I am so passionate about helping women like you look and feel your best that I'm willing to give an even deeper discount...

If you PROMISE to take action like Denise (and many others like her), I’m willing to slash an additional $10 off the already drastically reduced price.

Remember, the Bikini Belly Diet combines 3 unique belly flattening nutritional methods that work hand in hand with your Bikini Belly workouts…

... and perfectly matches the hormonal changes going on in your body.

Here’s what’s cool...

Because the workouts and the nutrition program are ‘in sync’, you’re guaranteed to dramatically increase the amount of belly fat removed.

That’s the primary reason why women… even those who have NEVER been able to lose a pound of belly fat… are suddenly able to see a visibly flatter belly. Even after just one week.

The best part?

When you combine this accelerated nutrition program with your Bikini Belly workouts… your belly begins to automatically burn off fat ALL BY ITSELF.

It Seriously Doesn’t Matter How Old You Are…
It Doesn’t Even Matter If You’re Out
Of Shape… Now You Can
Your Fat Loss Easy As 1-2-3!

Step #1 - The Bikini Belly FLUSH Diet ($27 Value)

ACCELERATE The Results Of Workout #1: These ‘Flat Belly Foods’ TURN OFF Your Menopause Molecules Even FASTER

Here's just a taste of what you'll discover:

  • Which Foods Are ‘Fat Loss Disasters’ for women over 35. AVOID these so-called ‘health foods’ and visibly “see” your belly shrink in the mirror 

    [TIP: NEVER eat these foods lurking in your pantry, they turn ON Your menopause molecules]
  • Foods That Unlock Your Fat Cells. Discover the exact foods that force your body to let-go of your trapped belly fat


[TIP: Eating these foods lazers-in on eliminating stubborn fat from your midsection]
  • Flush Out Excess Menopause Molecules: Clear your body FREE of toxins by eating these foods and never struggle to lose belly fat again.

Step #2 - Bikini Belly BURN Diet ($27 Value)

ACCELERATE The Results Of Workout #2: These Flat Belly Foods TURN ON Your Belly Shrinking Hormone Even EASIER

Here's just a taste of what you'll discover:

  • Weird Herb Dissolves Away Pocket Fat: Taking this one natural herbal extract has recently been proven to send fat fighting enzymes directly into the stubborn pockets of fat located deep inside your belly…
  • 3 Organic Foods That Cause “Menopause Belly”? Please AVOID these foods. They instantly force your stomach to look and feel bloated and swollen…
  • Break Down Stubborn Fat Cells--For Good: Scientists recently discovered these unusual fat fighting foods are able to directly target and break down fat cells that accumulate around your belly post-age 35.

Step #3 - Bikini Belly BLAST Diet ($27 Value)

ACCELERATE Your Results Of Workout #3: These Flat Belly Foods CRANK UP Your Metabolic Engines Even HIGHER

Here's just a sample of what you'll discover:

  • Drink This And Burn Fat: The #1 liquid your female metabolism demands at night. 

    [TIP: Sip this 30 minutes before bed tonight and you’ll literally burn belly fat while you sleep!]
  • Metabolic Assault! These ‘healthy’ snacks are murdering your metabolism. Find out which ZERO calorie foods are triggering an all-out war on your metabolism, blocking your body from releasing belly fat.
  • Light The Metabolic Fire: These special metabolic foods send your metabolism soaring… finally and forever melting away stubborn belly fat.


[TIP: Most potently effective AFTER 6pm]

I'll Even Throw In The Entire Bikini Belly Cookbook Series For FREE!

Look At All That You'll Get:

Yet You Won’t Pay Anywhere NEAR That...

ACT NOW To Get The Entire Bikini Belly Diet System PLUS All Your Free Bonuses For 87% Off The "Normal" Rate!

Get This Ultimate ACCELERATE Your Results Package worth $209...

...including the exact step-by-step “show me exactly what to do” diet guides, cookbooks, and done for you meal plans for accelerating your results…

... and melt away MORE stubborn belly fat FASTER, all for less than the cost of a decent meal out.

PLUS there's absolutely ZERO risk to you…

Take advantage of the Bikini Belly Diet System and all the free bonuses for 60 full days… and then decide!

This is your LAST chance to get in on this at this low, low price.

So don’t risk it. Get that flat, lean belly you desire in HALF the time with these delicious recipes and meal plans.

Click the yellow "Add To My Order Now Please!" button below right now to upgrade your order to include Bikini Belly Deluxe Diet System and get the complete Bikini Belly experience for only $17!


No thanks. I don’t need to accelerate my results. I’m fine with the regular program. I also understand that after declining this offer, this "Accelerate Your Results" Package will NEVER be made available to me again at any price even if I wish to pay more.

I'll pass on this special one time offer forever.